Sunday, March 20, 2011


I turned the heel for my Fire Socks today! :) I've been doing the gusset decreases. Then, off to the foot!
Fire sock YD 007
Fire sock YD 006
Fire sock YD 005
Fire sock YD 004
Fire sock YD 003
Fire sock YD 002
Fire sock YD 001
As you see, your yarn demoiselle has been VERY busy. Aren't you proud of her?

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I am stuck in my room right now, I dashed for freedom. From the kids.

Here's ChaCha's chewing of the needles.
YD 009

And another ChaCha chewing needles.
YD 008

Our dogs looking petrified.
YD 006
White dog is Snowflake, the other one is ChaCha.

Me before "the kids"
YD 004

Me after "the kids"
YD 004

Finally! They are leaving!
We're going to...
YD 002
in May! :) (During my b-day too!! Added bonus!)
I'll venture out now and eat. H. E. L. P. or S.O.S. :)

Friday, March 18, 2011


First, we (me and Mom) went to a yarn shop a knitter recommended. (I don't remember the name, so sorry!) They were very nice and my mom bought the square double-points metal 0's she's been talking about and hated them.

Then I went to softball practice and CHACHA (one of my dogs, the other is Snowflake. I'll show you pics soon.) CHEWED TWO OF MY DOUBLE-POINT NEEDLES! My Fire Sock ones. We shall pause for a moment for grief for your yarn demoiselle. I can't knit on my fire socks until TOMORROW! That is hopefully when my mom will get new ones. I'll have to knit on my Leftover yarn scarf.

I'll live. Hopefully.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring! (It Might ACTUALLY Be Here)

It's been 65 degrees Fahrenheit! OMG! Yea!

Spring 005
Outside (It was gray today.)

Spring 004
Another outside pic

Spring 002
Look at that. 55 degrees!

Spring 001
A pic of my backyard through the screen of the window.

Mother Nature, please don't fool us again. We want a spring like Florida. I want to have no snow on the ground. Please.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fire Socks!

Your yarn demoiselle has been knitting furiously for a couple of months to produce (part) of this!
Fire Socks 3 13 11 005

Fire Socks 3 13 11 001

I'll go knit some more now.

I'm going through a growth spurt. So as soon as I finish it, it'll probably be to small.

Either way I should knit as fast as I possibly can.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

New And Improved Knitting Blog

My last blog was Knitting Forever, but that was horrible! I like the name. Whenever I talk about knitting, I will try to say, "Your yarn demoiselle (young girl in French) is..." Cool, right? I hope so!
Cheers to a great blog,
Your Yarn Demoiselle