A Before Note: (A Post-Note? That's after.... And I thought I excelled in English. Oh dear does summer have a toll on me.) I attempted to post this yesterday, but Google+ suddenly crashed...
I don't understand Mother Nature, and her relationship with the Goddess of Knitting, but whatever it is, they are out to get me. Horribly. Mother Nature decided to wreck my wrist at tennis. Now, I understand I am new at tennis. I know, it will hurt. That is "developing my strength" yada, yada, yada, etc. I get it. But man, does a horrible wrist wreck your knitting time. Mom said, after I said my wrist hurt, to stop knitting. Seriously, those were the first words out of her mouth. Not, "Go take an ibuprofen." like a normal mom would say, but stop knitting. I can't knit until 9:00pm tonight. Twelve hours with no knitting, and I am in my knitting phase! :( Horrible time will be lost.
So I have done my best to work everything else I do into knitting-related activities. Like my persona is knitting, Yarn Harlot's previous posts are my new BFF, etc. It's so hard though. :(
Anyways, onto happy knitting-finished related news, I finished the blue Sophie bag yesterday! Yay!
I wish I had the happiness to take pics, but I am afraid if I take pictures, I will begin to knit...
I began a teal bag today, since I am preparing for the Ravelympics (I never understood how that debate turned out.), all interesting knitting is being put on hold until the Opening Ceremony.
Thank you for all of the blog looks today! Thank you thank you thank you!
Only 11.4 more hours....
What am I going to do today?
:P. it was for the best to take a break from knitting, you goose.